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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550973


Introducción: La actividad de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación constituye en la actualidad un pilar básico en el desarrollo de un país. Las revistas científicas son parte esencial de la investigación científica por ser el principal vehículo para la divulgación de los resultados. Objetivo: Realizar una valoración teórica sobre la concepción de la gestión editorial como una actividad científica. Método: Se utilizaron métodos de análisis documental mediante la selección de información obtenida de bases de datos científicas como SciELO, Scopus y Google Académico, con la utilización de criterios: gestión editorial; revistas científicas y actividad de ciencia y tecnología. Resultados: Se abordaron aspectos relacionados con la evolución de la comunicación científica a través de las revistas, sus enfoques tradicionalista, tecnológico y social; así como su papel en la comunicación científica de los resultados de la investigación científica y la gestión editorial para la publicación de las revistas científicas. Conclusiones: Los autores conciben la gestión editorial de las revistas científicas como un proceso científico-técnico con marcado carácter pedagógico que, a través de la evaluación rigurosa del resultado de investigación, depura y socializa el producto de la creación científica.

Introduction: Science, Technology and Innovation activity currently constitutes a basic pillar in the development of a country. Scientific journals are an essential part of scientific research as they are the main vehicle for the dissemination of results. Objective: To carry out a theoretical assessment of the conception of editorial management as a scientific activity. Method: Documentary analysis methods were used by selecting information obtained from scientific databases such as SciELO, Scopus and Google Scholar, using criteria: editorial management; scientific journals and science and technology activity. Results: Aspects related to the evolution of scientific communication through magazines, their traditionalist, technological and social approaches were addressed; as well as its role in the scientific communication of the results of scientific research and the editorial management for the publication of scientific journals. Conclusions: The authors conceive the editorial management of scientific journals as a scientific-technical process with a marked pedagogical character that, through the rigorous evaluation of the research result, purifies and socializes the product of scientific creation.

Introdução: A atividade de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação constitui atualmente um pilar básico no desenvolvimento de um país. As revistas científicas são uma parte essencial da investigação científica, pois são o principal veículo de divulgação dos resultados. Objetivo: Realizar uma avaliação teórica da concepção de gestão editorial como atividade científica. Método: Foram utilizados métodos de análise documental selecionando informações obtidas em bases de dados científicos como SciELO, Scopus e Google Acadêmico, utilizando critérios: gestão editorial; revistas científicas e atividades de ciência e tecnologia. Resultados: Foram abordados aspectos relacionados à evolução da comunicação científica por meio de revistas, suas abordagens tradicionalistas, tecnológicas e sociais; bem como o seu papel na comunicação científica dos resultados da investigação científica e na gestão editorial da publicação de revistas científicas. Conclusões: Os autores concebem a gestão editorial das revistas científicas como um processo técnico-científico de marcado caráter pedagógico que, por meio da avaliação rigorosa do resultado da pesquisa, purifica e socializa o produto da criação científica.

E-Cienc. inf ; 13(1)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448134


Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar la valoración que se les da a las revistas científicas peruanas según los reglamentos actuales relacionados con ciencia y tecnología, lo que lleva a que existan clasificaciones de revistas y que las personas autoras se interesen en publicar en función del puntaje para el desarrollo de la carrera académica y de investigación. Metodológicamente se revisaron los reglamentos vigentes de dicha clasificación y calificación de investigadores, así como las características que debe tener una revista para incluirse en los mismos, para luego examinar el portal de ISSN y comparar la lista de revistas científicas registradas de manera que pueda observarse qué porcentaje de esas revistas se consideran para las clasificaciones vigentes. Se concluye que existe un alto porcentaje de revistas peruanas relegadas o fuera del sistema de clasificación, lo que hace que el proceso de crecimiento se vuelva complicado, haciendo el camino de la indexación más tormentoso para los equipos editoriales. Es necesario trabajar por el desarrollo de ciencia nueva y eso involucra dar la oportunidad a estas revistas para seguir avanzando en los procesos de gestión editorial.

This article aims to examine the valuation given to Peruvian scientific journals according to current regulations related to science and technology, which leads to the existence of journal classifications and that authors are interested in publishing based on the score for academic and research career development. Methodologically, the current regulations of said classification and qualification of researchers will be reviewed, as well as the characteristics that a journal must have to be included in them, to later examine the ISSN portal and compare the list of registered scientific journals so that it can be observed which percentage of those journals are considered for current rankings. It is concluded that there is a high percentage of peruvian journals relegated or outside the classification system, which makes the growth process complicated, making the path of indexing harder for editorial teams. It is necessary to work for the development of new science and that involves giving these journals the opportunity to continue advancing in editorial management processes.

J Forensic Sci ; 68(3): 723-730, 2023 May.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36929594


The most highly cited forensic practitioners in the United States were identified using a publicly available citation database that used six different citation metrics to calculate each person's composite citation score. The publication and citation data were gleaned from Elsevier's SCOPUS database, which contained information about ~7 million scientist each of whom had at least five entries in the database. Each individual was categorized into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields, one of which was legal and forensic medicine (LFM). The database contained citation records for 13,388 individuals having LFM as their primary research discipline and 282 of these (2%) were classified as being highly cited. Another 99 individuals in the database had LFM as their secondary discipline, making a total of 381 highly cited forensic practitioners from 35 different countries. The career-long publication records of each individual were compared using their composite citation scores. Of the 381 highly cited scientists, 93 (24%) had an address somewhere in the United States. The various branches of forensics they specialized in were anthropology, criminalistics, DNA/genetics, odontology, pathology, statistics/epidemiology, and toxicology. The two most highly cited scientists, according to their composite citation score, were both specialists in DNA/genetics. Bibliometric methods are widely used for evaluating research performance in academia and a similar approach might be useful in jurisprudence, such as when an expert witness is instructed to testify in court and explain the meaning of scientific evidence.

Bibliometrics , Forensic Medicine , Humans , United States , Databases, Factual , DNA
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1449921


El objetivo de la investigación fue caracterizar la producción científica de los docentes de Estomatología de la Universidad de las Ciencias Médicas de Ciego de Ávila, publicada en revistas científicas indexadas en bases de datos bibliográficas nacionales e internacionales del 2010 al 2019. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo transversal, mediante un análisis bibliométrico, con los indicadores referidos a los artículos y los autores. Se hizo la búsqueda manual a partir de los nombres de cada docente en los metabuscadores Google, Google Académico y Google Metrics por separado y en las 104 revistas cubanas de las ciencias de la salud editadas por la Editorial de Ciencias Médicas entre 2010 y 2019. Se publicaron 80 artículos, el año 2015 fue el de mayor cantidad (16). El 61,7 por ciento de estos fueron artículos originales. Los 67 docentes del claustro tienen autoría y diez resultaron más productivos. El 46,2 por ciento de las publicaciones fueron citadas. El 91,2 por ciento de los artículos fueron publicados en revistas indexadas en bases de datos especializadas. El tipo de estudio que predominó fue el observacional (31). El índice de colaboración internacional y nacional fue de 0,04. La media de autor por artículo es cuatro. La producción científica y el impacto reflejado en la citación es bajo. La mayoría de los artículos se publicaron en revistas indexadas en bases de datos especializadas de reconocimiento latinoamericano, fueron artículos originales; prevaleció la materia estomatología, el tipo de estudio observacional, la baja colaboración internacional y la autoría múltiple(AU)

The objective of the research was to characterize the scientific production of Stomatology teachers of the University of Medical Sciences of Ciego de Avila, published in scientific journals indexed in national and international bibliographic databases from 2010 to 2019. An observational, cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, by means of a bibliometric analysis, with indicators referred to articles and authors. The manual search was made from the names of each teacher in the Google, Google Scholar and Google Metrics meta-search engines separately and in the 104 Cuban journals of the health sciences published by the Medical Sciences publishing house between 2010 and 2019. Eighty articles were published, 2015 was the year with the highest number (16). Of these, 61.7percent were original articles. All 67 faculty members have authorship and 10 were the most productive. 46.2percent of the publications were cited. 91.2percent of the articles were published in journals indexed in specialized databases. The predominant type of study was observational (31). The international and national collaboration index was 0.04. The average number of authors per article was four. The scientific production and the impact reflected in the citation is low. Most of the articles were published in journals indexed in specialized databases of Latin American recognition and were original articles; the subject of stomatology, the type of observational study, low international collaboration and multiple authorship prevailed(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Bibliometrics , Scientific Publication Indicators , Faculty, Dental/education , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Databases as Topic , Observational Study
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536246


Las particularidades de las revistas científicas en la actualidad, en cuanto a procesos, resultados y sujetos actuantes que garantizan su materialización y sostenimiento, hacen de estas un objeto de estudio de innegable complejidad desde el punto de vista organizacional; todo lo cual revela la ineludible necesidad de una adecuada gestión. Sin embargo, esta perspectiva no es muy común en la literatura científica especializada, lo que implica una búsqueda detallada de las aportaciones realizadas hasta el momento. Los objetivos del estudio se orientaron a analizar, desde el punto de vista bibliométrico, la gestión de los procesos en las revistas científicas, con la finalidad de contribuir a revelar las tendencias que han caracterizado su tratamiento en la comunidad científica y con ello sentar las bases para posteriores estudios. Se realizó un análisis sobre la gestión de los procesos en revistas científicas, utilizando la estrategia de búsqueda "título"-"resumen"-"palabras clave" hasta el año 2022, en las bases de datos Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar y SciELO. Se emplearon como métodos teóricos el análisis y síntesis, el hermenéutico-dialéctico y el holístico-dialéctico; como métodos empíricos la revisión documental y el análisis bibliométrico. Se evaluaron y contrastaron diferentes indicadores bibliométricos: la productividad de artículos, productividad y colaboración autoral, ocurrencias, co-ocurrencias de palabras clave, entre otros. Se pudo determinar que, si bien el tema de la gestión de los procesos en revistas científicas ha suscitado un creciente interés en la comunidad científica internacional, ha sido poco tratado en la literatura general y desde la perspectiva de la gestión organizacional.

The particularities of scientific journals today, in terms of processes, results and acting subjects that guarantee their materialization and sustainability make them an object of study of undeniable complexity from the organizational point of view, all of which reveals the unavoidable need to proper management. However, this perspective is not very common in specialized scientific literature, which implies a detailed search of the contributions made up to now. The objectives of the study were oriented to analyze, from the bibliometric point of view, the management of processes in scientific journals, in order to help reveal the trends that have characterized their treatment in the scientific community and thereby lay the foundations for further studies. An analysis was carried out on the management of processes in scientific journals, using the search strategy "title"-"abstract"-"key words" until 2022, in Scopus, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar and SciELO databases. Analysis and synthesis, hermeneutic-dialectical and holistic-dialectical methods were used as theoretical methods; as empirical methods, documentary review and bibliometric analysis. Different bibliometric indicators were evaluated and contrasted: article productivity, authorial productivity and collaboration, occurrences, co-occurrences of keywords, among others. It was possible to determine that, although the issue of process management in scientific journals has aroused growing interest in the international scientific community, it has been little discussed in general literature and from the perspective of organizational management.

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum ; 25: e89743, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423063


abstract This study aimed (1) to verify the relationship between the JIF, Eigenfactor, Citescore and SJR metrics of Physical Education journals throughout Qualis 2013-2016; and (2) to analyze their associations with the field-concerned Web-Qualis grades (based on the 2013-2016 quadrennium criteria). WebQualis grades, which refers to 2015-2018 data, were acquired by accessing officially available data. The scientometrics Journal Impact Factor (JIF), Citescore, Eigenfactor, and Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) for the years 2013 to 2016 and 2018 were extracted from official Clarivate Analytics and Elsevier sources. Approximately half of Physical Education journals included in the 2018 WebQualis database were indexed in Web of Science Collection and Scopus databases. The main results demonstrated high and stable appeared bivariate correlations between all scientometrics from 2013 to 2016. Both JIF, Eigenfactor, Citescore and SJR were associated with WebQualis grades. However, better adjustment of parameters was observed in the model that included SJR as the WebQualis predictor. The field normalized SJR appeared to better predict the WebQualis defined by the 2013-2016 Qualis criteria, which includes the adherence indicator. If researchers consider that distinct research areas are not equally weighted and require specific evaluation, as the authors suggest, use the normalized metrics to classify journals in Brazilian scenarium.

resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre as métricas JIF, Eigenfactor, Citescore e SJR de periódicos de Educação Física ao longo do Qualis 2013-2016; e (2) analisar suas associações com as classificações do Web-Qualis (critério de classificação do quadriênio 2013-2016). As classificações do WebQualis, referentes aos dados de 2015-2018, foram adquiridas acessando fontes de dados oficiais. As métricas Journal Impact Factor (JIF), Citescore, Eigenfactor e Scimago Journal Rank (SJR) para os anos de 2013 a 2016 e 2018 foram extraídas de fontes oficiais da Clarivate Analytics e Elsevier. Aproximadamente metade dos periódicos de Educação Física incluídos no banco de dados WebQualis de 2018 foram indexados nos bancos de dados Web of Science Collection e Scopus. Os principais resultados demonstram altas e estáveis correlações bivariadas entre todas as métricas ​​de 2013 a 2016. Ambos o JIF, o Eigenfactor, o Citigenore e o SJR foram associados à classificação do WebQualis. No entanto, melhores parâmetros de ajuste foram observados no modelo que incluiu a SJR como preditor do WebQualis. O SJR normalizado por área pareceu melhor predizer o WebQualis definido pelo critério Qualis de 2013 de 2016, que inclui o indicador de aderência. Se os pesquisadores considerarem que áreas distintas de pesquisa não são igualmente ponderadas e requerem avaliação específica, como sugestão dos autores, a utilização das métricas normalizadas para classificar os periódicos no cenário brasileiro.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM (Western Pacific) | ID: wpr-1006321


Scientific journals are an important platform for academic exchange and dissemination, as well as for promoting technological innovation. This article is based on the publishing practice of the Chinese Journal of Radiological Medicine and Protection in recent years, especially after being successfully selected in the Excellent Action Plan of Chinese Science and Technology Journals. It aims to gather high-quality manuscript sources and strictly control academic quality; Pay attention to academic hotspots and strengthen content construction; Based on the characteristics of publishing, create high-quality works; To fulfill our original mission, shoulder social responsibility, strengthen academic leadership, enhance brand value, and explore how to improve the quality and dissemination of academic journal content and influence, in order to better showcase and promote China's achievements in radiation medicine and protection.

Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(4): 956-964, oct.-dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405684


RESUMEN El identificador de objeto digital, conocido en inglés como digital object identifier y abreviado DOI, surgido en 1997, es una cadena alfanumérica única que identifica un contenido electrónico y proporciona un enlace permanente a su ubicación en internet. A 25 años de la implementación de esta herramienta, todavía quedan muchas revistas con un impacto considerable que no cuentan con DOI. Cuba no lo tiene porque le es negado por las grandes agencias registradoras. Fue objetivo de los autores de esta comunicación destacar la importancia del DOI como herramienta básica para el control de la documentación digital. Se concluyó que su principal aporte es asegurar la identificación persistente y unívoca de un documento, a través de un registro sistemático central de sus metadatos. Se recomienda que siempre que esté disponible el DOI en línea, se utilice en la cita bibliográfica, para mejorar la visibilidad de las revistas y los propios investigadores.

ABSTRACT The Digital Object Identifier, abbreviated as DOI and emerged in 1997, is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies electronic content and provides a permanent link to its location on the Internet. Twenty-five years after the implementation of this tool, there are still many journals with a considerable impact which do not have DOIs. Cuba does not have it because it is denied by the big registration agencies. The objective of this article was to highlight the importance of the DOI as a basic tool for the control of digital documentation. We concluded that its main contribution is to ensure the persistent and unique identification of a document, through a central systematic record of its metadata. It is recommended that whenever the DOI is available online, it is used in the bibliographic citation, to improve the visibility of the journals and the researchers themselves.

Databases, Factual , Portals for Scientific Journals , Information Literacy
J Med Internet Res ; 24(8): e37594, 2022 08 31.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36044262


BACKGROUND: Publishing identifiable patient data in scientific journals may jeopardize patient privacy and confidentiality if best ethical practices are not followed. Current journal practices show considerable diversity in the publication of identifiable patient photographs, and different stakeholders may have different opinions of and practices in publishing patient photographs. OBJECTIVE: This scoping review aimed to identify existing evidence and map knowledge gaps in medical research on the policies and practices of publishing identifiable photographs in scientific articles. METHODS: We performed a comprehensive search of the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, CINAHL with Full Text, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects, Ovid MEDLINE, and Scopus. The Open Science Framework, PROSPERO, BASE, Google Scholar, OpenGrey,, the Campbell Collaboration Library, and were also searched. RESULTS: After screening the initial 15,949 titles and abstracts, 98 (0.61%) publications were assessed for eligibility at the full-text level, and 30 (0.19%) publications were included in this review. The studies were published between 1994 and 2020; most had a cross-sectional design and were published in journals covering different medical disciplines. We identified 3 main topics. The first included ethical aspects of the use of facial photographs in publications. In different clinical settings, the consent process was not conducted properly, and health professionals did not recognize the importance of obtaining written patient consent for taking and using patient medical photographs. They often considered verbal consent sufficient or even used the photographs without consent. The second topic included studies that investigated the practices and use of medical photography in publishing. Both patients and doctors asked for confidential storage and maintenance of medical photographs. Patients preferred to be photographed by their physicians using an institutional camera and preferred nonidentifiable medical photographs not only for publication but also in general. Conventional methods of deidentification of facial photographs concealing the eye area were recognized as unsuccessful in protecting patient privacy. The third topic emerged from studies investigating medical photography in journal articles. These studies showed great diversity in publishing practices regarding consent for publication of medical photographs. Journal policies regarding the consent process and consent forms were insufficient, and existing ethical professional guidelines were not fully implemented in actual practices. Patients' photographs from open-access medical journals were found on public web-based platforms. CONCLUSIONS: This scoping review showed a diversity of practices in publishing identifiable patient photographs and an unsatisfactory level of knowledge of this issue among different stakeholders despite existing standards. Emerging issues include the availability of patients' photographs from open-access journals or preprints in the digital environment. There is a need to improve standards and processes to obtain proper consent to fully protect the privacy of patients in published articles.

Informed Consent , Periodicals as Topic , Cross-Sectional Studies , Humans , Policy , Publishing , Systematic Reviews as Topic
Pensar mov ; 20(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448766


Varela-Briceño, M. (2022). Editorial: la gestión editorial de pensar en movimiento: ventajas de la creación de equipos interdisciplinarios. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 20(1), 1-8. Las revistas científicas se han posicionado como uno de los medios más consultados y preferidos para la transmisión de conocimiento en todas las áreas del conocimiento. La publicación de documentos científicos conlleva una serie de procesos para garantizar la calidad de la información que estará disponible a los lectores de la revista. Es por esto, que el objetivo de este editorial es presentar a los lectores una descripción del proceso editorial de la revista Pensar en Movimiento y las ventajas que ha representado para el equipo editorial, autores y lectores en general.

Varela-Briceño, M. (2021). Editorial: editorial management of Pensar en Movimiento: advantages of creating interdisciplinary teams. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Journal of Exercise and Health Sciences, 20(1), 1-8. Scientific journals have become one of the most consulted and preferred means to share knowledge in all areas. The publication of scientific documents involves a number of processes to guarantee the quality of the information that will be available to journal readers. The objective of this editorial is to present readers with a description of the editorial process of the journal Pensar en Movimiento and the advantages brought to the editorial team, as well as authors and readers in general.

Varela-Briceño, M. (2022). Editorial: a gestão editorial da revista Pensar en Movimiento: vantagens da criação de equipes interdisciplinares. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciências do Exercício e da Saúde, 20(1), 1-8. As revistas científicas têm se posicionado como um dos meios mais consultados e preferidos para a transmissão de conhecimento em todas as áreas do conhecimento. A publicação de artigos científicos envolve uma série de processos para garantir a qualidade das informações que estarão disponíveis aos leitores da revista. Por isso, o objetivo deste editorial é apresentar aos leitores uma descrição do processo editorial da revista Pensar en Movimiento e das vantagens que tem representado para a equipe editorial, autores e leitores em geral.

Rev. inf. cient ; 101(2)abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409522


RESUMEN Introducción: La literatura científica destaca la necesidad de gestionar los procesos, resultados y sujetos que intervienen en una de las actividades clave que garantiza la persistencia del conocimiento científico: la publicación científica, particularmente en revistas científicas. Sin embargo, el análisis de los referentes consultados evidenció la carencia de un profundo y suficiente estudio de las esencialidades de la gestión de revistas científicas desde lo organizacional. Objetivo: Analizar desde el enfoque organizacional, los principales referentes sobre la gestión de revistas científicas, a fin de contribuir a revelar las especificidades que lo distinguen, para alcanzar niveles superiores de interpretación de su esencia y de su abordaje. Método: Se realizó una sistematización de experiencias investigativas precedentes en el periodo octubre de 2020 a marzo de 2021 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, mediante la utilización de métodos empíricos (revisión documental, análisis de redes sociales), teóricos (análisis y síntesis, histórico-lógico, inducción-deducción, hermenéutico-dialéctico, holístico-dialéctico), y procedimientos metodológicos (análisis de contenido). Resultados: Se identificaron aquellos aspectos relevantes que, a juicio de los autores, contribuyen a desarrollar una perspectiva teórica de la gestión de revistas científicas. Conclusiones: Se asume la gestión de revistas científicas como un caso particular de la gestión organizacional, cuya finalidad es garantizar la publicación científica, integrando procesos de diferente carácter: de dirección, editoriales, de evaluación y certificación de la pertinencia y originalidad de las contribuciones, y de evaluación y posicionamiento de las revistas; soportados sobre las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, para incrementar sus niveles de eficiencia y eficacia.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The scientific literature highlights the need to manage the processes, results and subjects involved in one of the key activities that guarantees the persistence of scientific knowledge: scientific publication; particularly in scientific journals. However, the analysis of the references consulted showed the lack of a deep and sufficient study of the essentials of the management of scientific journals from the organizational point of view. Objective: To analyze from the organizational approach, the main references on the management of scientific journals, in order to help reveal the specificities that distinguish it, to reach higher levels of performance of its essence and its approach. Method: A systematization of previous research experiences was carried out in the period between October 2020 to March 2021, at the Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, through the use of empirical methods (document review, analysis of social networks), theoretical (analysis and synthesis, historical-logical, induction-deduction, hermeneutic-dialectical, holistic-dialectical), and methodological procedures (content analysis). Results: Those relevant aspects that, in the opinion of the authors, contribute to developing a theoretical perspective of the management of scientific journals were identified. Conclusions: The management of scientific journals is assumed as a particular case of organizational management, whose purpose is to guarantee scientific publication, integrating processes of a different nature: management, editorial, evaluation and certification of the relevance and originality of the contributions, and evaluation and positioning of magazines; supported on Information and Communication Technologies, to increase their levels of efficiency and effectiveness.

RESUMO Introdução: A literatura científica destaca a necessidade de gerenciar os processos, resultados e assuntos envolvidos em uma das principais atividades que garantem a persistência do conhecimento científico: a publicação científica, principalmente em periódicos científicos. No entanto, a análise das referências consultadas evidenciou a falta de um estudo aprofundado e suficiente dos fundamentos da gestão de revistas científicas do ponto de vista organizacional. Objetivo: Analisar a partir da abordagem organizacional, as principais referências sobre a gestão de revistas científicas, a fim de ajudar a revelar as especificidades que a distinguem, para alcançar níveis mais elevados de interpretação de sua essência e de sua abordagem. Método: Foi realizada uma sistematização de experiências de pesquisa anteriores no período de outubro de 2020 a março de 2021 na Universidade de Ciências Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, por meio do uso de métodos empíricos (revisão documental, análise de redes sociais), teóricos (análise e síntese, histórico-lógico, indução-dedução, hermenêutico-dialético, holístico-dialético) e procedimentos metodológicos (análise de conteúdo). Resultados: Foram identificados os aspectos relevantes que, na opinião dos autores, contribuem para o desenvolvimento de uma perspectiva teórica da gestão de periódicos científicos. Conclusões: a gestão de revistas científicas assume-se como um caso particular de gestão organizacional, cuja finalidade é garantir a publicação científica, integrando processos de outra natureza: gestão, editorial, avaliação e certificação da relevância e originalidade das contribuições, e avaliação e posicionamento de revistas; apoiados nas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, para aumentar os seus níveis de eficiência e eficácia.

Unfallchirurg ; 125(1): 83-90, 2022 Jan.
Article in German | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34932138


The journal Der Unfallchirurg and the German Society for Trauma Surgery (DGU) are connected by a colorful story, which reaches a climax in a mutual anniversary year in 2022. Der Unfallchirurg, initially named the Monthly Journal for Trauma Medicine (Monatsschrift für Unfallheilkunde) had already endured 125 years as the specialist journal of the DGU in 2019; however, in 1944 in the 51st year the publication came to a halt due to the upheaval and serious consequences of the Second World War and only reappeared in 1949 with the 52nd year. In its 100-year history the DGU passed through 4 temporally definable phases with respect to content, politics and personnel, to which must be added its preliminary phase as the Division of Trauma Medicine (Abtheilung für Unfallheilkunde) within the Society of German Natural Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ). In the synopsis on the history of the specialist journal, this article analyzes the more than 125-year development of the DGU.

Societies, Medical , Germany , Humans
Ecol Lett ; 25(4): 711-715, 2022 Apr.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34957647


With open-access publishing authors often pay an article processing charge and subsequently their article is freely available online. These charges are beyond the reach of most African academics. Thus, the trend towards open-access publishing will shift the business model from a pay-wall model, where access to literature is limited, to a pay-to-publish one, where African scholars cannot afford to publish. We explore the costs of publishing and the ability of African scholars to afford to publish via open access in top journals. Three-quarters of the 40 top ecology journals required payment for open-access publishing (average cost $3150). Paying such fees is a hardship for African scholars as grant funding is not available and it is not feasible to pay the fees themselves as salaries are low. We encourage funders and publishers to facilitate an equitable publishing model that allows African scholars to make their research available through open-access publishing.

Ecology , Publishing
Hist Sci ; 60(2): 255-279, 2022 06.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736496


In the decades after the Second World War, learned society publishers struggled to cope with the expanding output of scientific research and the increased involvement of commercial publishers in the business of publishing research journals. Could learned society journals survive economically in the postwar world, against this competition? Or was the emergence of a sales-based commercial model of publishing - in contrast to the traditional model of subsidized journal publishing - an opportunity to transform the often-fragile finances of learned societies? But there was also an existential threat: if commercial firms could successfully publish scientific journals, were learned society publishers no longer needed? This paper investigates how British learned society publishers adjusted to the new economic realities of the postwar world, through an investigation of the activities organized by the Royal Society of London and the Nuffield Foundation, culminating in the 1963 report Self-Help for Learned Journals. It reveals the postwar decades as the time when scientific research became something to be commodified and sold to libraries, rather than circulated as part of a scholarly mission. It will be essential reading for all those campaigning to transition academic publishing - including learned society publishing - away from the sales-based model once again.

Periodicals as Topic , Societies, Scientific , Commerce , Learning , Publishing/history , Societies, Scientific/history
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408122


El desarrollo tecnológico y modernización de las plataformas de socialización de la ciencia han provocado, a la par de una mayor difusión de resultados y su consiguiente contribución a su desarrollo, una serie de prácticas negativas que aprovechan modelos de acceso abierto para obtener ganancias. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo identificar los principales rasgos de las revistas depredadoras. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en Google Scholar, Dialnet, SciELO y PubMed, a partir de la cual fueron seleccionados 43 artículos para su análisis. Se aplicó como criterio de inclusión que los estudios incorporaran conclusiones sobre las principales características y formas de identificación de las revistas depredadoras; el principal criterio de exclusión fue que los artículos no pudieran ser descargados íntegramente. Revista depredadora es aquella que, aprovechándose del modelo de acceso abierto o de modelos híbridos, cobran a sus autores por la liberación de sus artículos sin que medie revisión alguna, aun cuando lo prometen en sus procesos editoriales. Persiguen principalmente la ganancia de dinero fácil y rápido, no la difusión del conocimiento ni la contribución a la ciencia. Las revistas depredadoras se caracterizan por no proporcionar datos sobre sus editores, se dan a conocer mediante correos spam con lenguaje persuasivo que alimenta la idea de legitimidad y promete la amplia indexación del texto. Dan la impresión de tener sede en países desarrollados, y usualmente presentan ISSN falsos o inexistentes(AU)

The technological development and the modernization of science socialization's platforms have provoked, along with a greater results' dissemination and the consequent contribution to the science's evolution, a series of negative practices that take advantage of Open Access models for profit. The aim of this study was to identify the main features of predatory journals. A bibliographic review was made, among Google Scholar, Dialnet, SciELO y PubMed and 43 articles were selected to be analyzed. It was applied as an inclusion criterion that the studies carried out included conclusions on the main characteristics and forms of identification of predatory journals, and the main exclusion criterion was that the articles could not be downloaded. A predatory journal is one that takes advantage of the open access model, or using hybrid models, charges authors for the release of their articles, without any review process, even when they promise it in their editorial processes. Their main objective is the earning of quick and easy money, and not the dissemination of scientific knowledge, nor contribution to science. Predatory journals are characterized by not providing data on their publishers. They make themselves known through spam mail, promising wide indexing of the text, and using a persuasive language that feeds the idea of legitimacy throughout the process. These publications give the impression of being physically located in developed countries, and usually present false or non-existent ISSN(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Portals for Scientific Journals , Information Technology , Open Access Publishing , Predatory Journals as Topic
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 24dez. 2021. Ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1366216


Objetivamos compreender os interesses dos líderes dos grupos de pesquisa em Educação Física escolar ao encaminharem suas pesquisas aos periódicos científicos. O desenho metodológico estrutura-se a partir da pesquisa qualitativa e apresenta a prosopografia como procedimento metodológico, vinculada a entrevistas semiestruturadas e à análise de documentos como ferramentas do processo de obtenção das informações. Consideramos que, devido à estrutura científica instaurada no campo e subcampo acadêmico-científico, a relação de interesse dos líderes com o periodismo acontece mediada pela posição que os agentes ocupam no espaço social. A depender da posição, o modus operandi dos líderes organiza estratégias e ações para seguir operando cientificamente no espaço social (AU).

We aim to understand the interests of the leaders of research groups in school Physical Education when forwarding their research to scientific journals. As the methodological design, the authors have chosen qualitative research and prosopography as methodological procedures linking semi-structured interviews to the analysis of documents for obtaining information. We considered that due to the scientific structure established in the academic-scientific field and subfield, the relationship of interest of the leaders with the journalism happens mediated by the position that the agents occupy in the social space. Depending on the position, the leaders modus operandi organizes strategies and actions to continue operating scientifically in the social space (AU).

Nuestro objetivo es comprender los intereses de los líderes de los grupos de investigación en Educación Física escolar al remitir sus investigaciones a revistas científicas. El diseño metodológico se basa en la investigación cualitativa y presenta la prosopografía como un procedimiento metodológico, vinculado a entrevistas semiestructuradas y análisis de documentos como herramientas para el proceso de obtención de información. Consideramos que debido a la estructura científica establecida en el campo y subcampo académico-científico, la relación de interés de los líderes con el periodismo pasa mediatizada por la posición que ocupan los agentes en el espacio social. Dependiendo del cargo, el modus operandi de los líderes organiza estrategias y acciones para seguir operando científicamente en el espacio social (AU).

Humans , Physical Education and Training , Schools , Research Groups , Surveys and Questionnaires , Publications for Science Diffusion
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408103


Este estudio tuvo como objetivo la evaluación de las revistas científicas colombianas del área de Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud a través del sistema de medición integral de revistas científicas colombianas que se sustenta en el Índice de Osk. Se analizaron las 33 revistas científicas colombianas de Ciencias Médicas y de la Salud indexadas en el Índice Bibliográfico Nacional Publindex en la convocatoria 768 del año 2016, de las cuales solo se tuvieron en cuenta las ediciones y las citas comprendidas entre el periodo del 01 de enero al 31 de diciembre del año 2017. La revista que mayor valor presentó fue Biomédica, con un índice para el año 2017 de 314,30, seguida de la Revista Colombiana de Cardiología con 206,81, y en tercer lugar la Revista de Salud Pública con 201,15, las cuales se agrupan en el nivel O1. En el otro extremo y agrupándose de mayor a menor en el nivel O4 se encuentran la revista Duazary (41,78), la Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia (38,19) y Vitae (35,12). A modo de conclusión, se hace preciso revisar el modelo actual de clasificación de las revistas en Colombia Publindex, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades encontradas durante la revisión. Es por eso que se recomienda la implementación de un modelo o sistema de medición integral, como es en este caso el Índice de Osk(AU)

The purpose of the study was to evaluate Colombian medical and health sciences journals using a comprehensive measurement system for Colombian scientific journals based on the Osk Index. An analysis was conducted of 33 Colombian medical and health sciences journals indexed in the National Bibliographic Index Publindex as of call for papers number 768 of 2016, from which only editions and citations from 1 January to 31 December 2017 were considered. The publication with the highest score was Biomédica, with an index of 314.30 for the year 2017, followed by Revista Colombiana de Cardiología with 206.81 and Revista de Salud Pública with 201.15, all three of them in level O1. On the opposite end, and grouped from highest to lowest in level O4 are the journals Duazary (41.78), Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia (38.19) and Vitae (35.12). Conclusions point to the need to review the classification model currently applied to Colombian journals, Publindex, bearing in mind the particular features revealed by the study. It is therefore recommended to implement a comprehensive measurement model or system, as is the case with the Osk Index(AU)

Humans , Retrospective Studies , Health Sciences , Bibliometrics , Scientific and Technical Publications , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Acta Inform Med ; 29(3): 224-230, 2021 Sep.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34759464


BACKGROUND: In the early 20th century some unfavorable conditions and trends in science and publishing in R. Macedonia and other countries in the South Eastern Europe (SEE) Region were recognized and it became necessary to act to protect the integrity of science and publishing. The increasing number of scientific journals in biomedicine and published papers in them has not always been matched by increased quality in publishing due to lack of information and education of the scientific community, especially of the young scientists, about ethical principles in research and publishing. In addition, some unethical behavior, fraud and attempts by experts for increasing their scientific productivity in research and publishing their results in scientific journals was recognized. OBJECTIVE: To present the initiatives, chronology of activities and leading role of Academician Momir Polenakovic towards the establishment and initial development of the Macedonian Association of Medical Editors (MAME) which has a mission for advancing the integrity of science and publishing. METHOD: A retrospective study based on review of the relevant literature, archive materials, minutes from organizational meetings and workshops and other documentation related to activities in the initial process for establishing and defining the mission and objectives of MAME. RESULTS: The expansion of higher education and inappropriate implementation of the Bologna Declaration and the European Credit Transfer System in R. Macedonia from 2004/2005 contributed to a decline of the study criteria for obtaining higher education diplomas and postgraduate education degrees, as well as numerous frauds in scientific research and publishing activities in biomedicine and other fields. The first meeting of the Initiative Board for organizing an SEE Conference on research and publishing integrity and a workshop for editors of scientific journals was held in the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (MASA) on Nov. 1st, 2013. In April 2014 two preparatory meetings of the Organizational Board were held and the Workshop for editors of scientific journals and the Constitutional meeting for establishing MAME were held on Apr. 25, 2014. The first President of MAME (with a two-year mandate) was Academician Momir Polenakovic and in 2016 he was elected as the first Honorary President of MAME. CONCLUSION: The establishment of MAME in April 2014 was an important initiative and strategic decision toward raising awareness among editors of scientific journals and other stakeholders for preventing scientific and publishing misconduct and for educating the scientific community for creating an ethical research environment.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(supl.3): 5183-5186, Oct. 2021. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345767


Resumo As revistas científicas têm papel fundamental para o desenvolvimento da ciência. Contudo, no Brasil, existem grandes desafios para sua sustentabilidade, assim como do Programa SciELO. O artigo relata um cenário preocupante de baixo financiamento público e ausência de planejamento estratégico com financiamento de longo prazo para a publicação científica, na contramão do desenvolvimento das revistas brasileiras e do Programa SciELO. Tal cenário impõe grande pressão às revistas, com relatos de situações de encerramento de atividades, ou implementação de cobrança de taxas aos autores, ao mesmo tempo que traz insegurança financeira ao Programa SciELO. São informadas as ações tomadas por sociedades científicas Brasileiras e a posição do Fórum de Editores das Revistas da Saúde Coletiva, alinhada à do Comitê Consultivo da Coleção SciELO Brasil, de que a publicação de periódicos científicos editados no Brasil é estratégica e, portanto, deve ser incentivada por meio de políticas públicas e apoiada com recursos públicos provenientes das instituições mantenedoras e dos editais das agências de fomento.

Abstract Scientific journals play a fundamental role in the development of science. However, in Brazil, there are major challenges for their sustainability, as well as for the sustainability of the SciELO Program. The article reports a worrying scenario of low public funding and lack of strategic planning for long-term funding for scientific publication, contrary to the development of Brazilian journals and the SciELO Program. This scenario places great pressure on journals, with reports of situations of closure of activities, or implementation of fees charged to authors, while bringing financial insecurity to the SciELO Program. The actions taken by Brazilian scientific societies and the position of the Forum of Editors of Public Health Journals are aligned with that of the Advisory Committee of the SciELO Brazil Collection, namely that the publication of scientific journals edited in Brazil is strategic and, therefore, should be fostered through public policies and supported with public financing from the sponsoring institutions and grants from the research funding institutions.

Humans , Male , Female , Periodicals as Topic , Public Policy , Brazil , Public Health